Species |
Latin species name |
Common |
Common species name |
Page |
Page in a bird manual describing the species |
Length |
Mean body length for the species (in cm) |
Nesttype |
Type of nest |
Location |
Location of nest |
No.eggs |
Number of eggs |
Color |
Egg color (0=plain/solid or 1=speckled/spotted) |
Incubate |
Mean length of time (in days) the species incubates eggs in the nest |
Nestling |
Mean length of time (in days) the species cares for babies in the nest until fledged |
Totcare |
Total care time = Incubate+Nestling |
Closed |
1=closed nest (pendant, spherical, cavity, crevice, burrow), 0=open nest (saucer, cup) |