A data frame containing 117 observations for the following variables.
month month (coded as a number)
day day of month on which bill was calculated
year year of bill
temp average temperature (F) for billing period
kwh electricity usage (kwh)
ccf gas usage (ccf)
thermsPerDay a numeric vector
billingDays number of billing days in billing period
totalbill total bill (in dollars)
gasbill gas bill (in dollars)
elecbill electric bill (in dollars)
notes notes about the billing period
ccfpday average gas usage per day (Utilities2 only)
kwhpday average electric usage per day (Utilities2 only)
gasbillpday gas bill divided by billing days (Utilities2 only)
elecbillpday electric bill divided by billing days a numeric vector (Utilities2 only)
totalbillpday total bill divided by billing days a numeric vector (Utilities2 only)
therms thermsPerDay * billingDays (Utilities2 only)
monthsSinceY2K months since 2000 (Utilities2 only)