gender - Gender with levels Female and Male.
age - Age.
marital_status - Marital status with levels Divorced, Married, Separated, Single and Widowed.
highest_qualification - Highest education level with levels A Levels, Degree, GCSE/CSE, GCSE/O Level, Higher/Sub Degree, No Qualification, ONC/BTEC and Other/Sub Degree
nationality - Nationality with levels British, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Other, Refused and Unknown.
ethnicity - Ethnicity with levels Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed, White and Refused Unknown.
gross_income - Gross income with levels Under 2,600, 2,600 to 5,200, 5,200 to 10,400, 10,400 to 15,600, 15,600 to 20,800, 20,800 to 28,600, 28,600 to 36,400, Above 36,400, Refused and Unknown.
region - Region with levels London, Midlands & East Anglia, Scotland, South East, South West, The North and Wales
smoke - Smoking status with levels No and Yes
amt_weekends - Number of cigarettes smoked per day on weekends.
amt_weekdays - Number of cigarettes smoked per day on weekdays.
type - Type of cigarettes smoked with levels Packets, Hand-Rolled, Both/Mainly Packets and Both/Mainly Hand-Rolled