market_cap - Total value of all company shares, in millions of dollars.
stock - The name of the stock (e.g. AAPL for Apple).
ent_value - Enterprise value, which is an alternative to market cap that also accounts for things like cash and debt, in millions of dollars.
trail_pe - The market cap divided by the earnings (profits) over the last year.
forward_pe - The market cap divided by the forecasted earnings (profits) over the next year.
ev_over_rev - Enterprise value divided by the company's revenue.
profit_margin - Percent of earnings that are profits.
revenue - Revenue, in millions of dollars.
growth - Quartly revenue growth (year over year), in millions of dollars.
earn_before - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, in millions of dollars.
cash - Total cash, in millions of dollars.
debt - Total debt, in millions of dollars.