Select variables from YRBSS.
age - Age, in years.
gender - Gender.
grade - School grade.
hispanic - Hispanic or not.
race - Race / ethnicity.
height - Height, in meters (3.28 feet per meter).
weight - Weight, in kilograms (2.2 pounds per kilogram).
helmet_12m - How often did you wear a helmet when biking in the last 12 months?
text_while_driving_30d - How many days did you text while driving in the last 30 days?
physically_active_7d - How many days were you physically active for 60+ minutes in the last 7 days?
hours_tv_per_school_day - How many hours of TV do you typically watch on a school night?
strength_training_7d - How many days did you do strength training (e.g. lift weights) in the last 7 days?
school_night_hours_sleep - How many hours of sleep do you typically get on a school night?
CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
Use the following R code to directly access this dataset in R.