This data was entirely scraped via the Goodreads API, so kudos to them for providing such a simple interface to scrape their database.
The reason behind creating this dataset is pretty straightforward, I'm listing the books for all book-lovers out there, irrespective of the language and publication and all of that. So go ahead and use it to your liking, find out what book you should be reading next ( there are very few free content recommendation systems that suggest books last I checked ), what are the details of every book you have read, create a word cloud from the books you want to read - all possible approaches to exploring this dataset are welcome.
I started creating this dataset on May 25, 2019, and intend to update it frequently.
P.S. If you like this, please don't forget to give an upvote!
V2 notes
You have the information about the publisher and the publication date now! Also, multiple authors are now delimited by '/'. Enjoy!