This data set contains information on user preference data from 73,516 users on 12,294 anime. Each user is able to add anime to their completed list and give it a rating and this data set is a compilation of those ratings.
anime_id -'s unique id identifying an anime.
name - full name of anime.
genre - comma separated list of genres for this anime.
type - movie, TV, OVA, etc.
episodes - how many episodes in this show. (1 if movie).
rating - average rating out of 10 for this anime.
members - number of community members that are in this anime's "group".
user_id - non identifiable randomly generated user id.
anime_id - the anime that this user has rated.
rating - rating out of 10 this user has assigned (-1 if the user watched it but didn't assign a rating).
Thanks to API for providing anime data and user ratings.
Use the following R code to directly access this dataset in R.