The data set relates to the hospital length of stay for patients having a CABG or PTCA (typel) heart procedure. The data comes from the 1995 Arizona Medicare data for DRG (Diagnostic Related Group) 112. Other predictors include gender(1=female) and age75 (1-age 75+). Type is labeled as 1=emergency or urgent admission; 0= elective. Length of stay (los) ranges from 1 to 53 days.
A data frame with 1,798 observations on the following 5 variables.
hospital length of stay: 1-53 days
1=male; 0=female
1=emergency/urgent admission; 0=elective admission
1=age>75; 0=age<=75
azdrg112 is saved as a data frame. Count models typically use los as response variable. 0 counts are not included
DRG 112 data from the 1995 Arizona Medicare (MedPar) State files
Hilbe, Joseph M (2007, 2011), Negative Binomial Regression, Cambridge University Press
Use the following R code to directly access this dataset in R.