A data frame with 6 observations on the following 13 variables.
- clength
mean length of cuckoo eggs in given host's nest
standard deviation of cuckoo egg lengths
- cbreadth
mean breadth of cuckoo eggs in given host's nest
standard deviation of cuckoo egg breadths
- cnum
number of cuckoo eggs
- hlength
length of host eggs
standard deviation of host egg lengths
- hbreadth
breadth of host eggs
standard deviation of host egg breadths
- hnum
number of host eggs
- match
number of eggs where color matched
- nomatch
number where color did not match
Although from the same study that generated data in the data frame cuckoos, the data do not match precisely. The cuckoo egg lengths and breadths are from the tables on page 168, the host egg lengths and breadths from Appendix IV on page 176, and the color match counts from the table on page 171.