The primary investigator (A Dispenzieri) and statistician (T Therneau) for the study.
A Dispenzieri, J Katzmann, R Kyle, D Larson, T Therneau, C Colby, R Clark, G Mead, S Kumar, LJ Melton III and SV Rajkumar (2012). Use of monclonal serum immunoglobulin free light chains to predict overall survival in the general population, Mayo Clinic Proceedings 87:512-523.
R Kyle, T Therneau, SV Rajkumar, D Larson, M Plevak, J Offord, A Dispenzieri, J Katzmann, and LJ Melton, III, 2006, Prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, New England J Medicine 354:1362-1369.