A data.frame containing 12 columns and 4 rows.
a character vector of Denmark, Finland, UK, and US, being the four countries compared in this data set.
DomesticKnowledge.hs, DomesticKnowledge.sc, DomesticKnowledge.c
percent correct answers to calibrated questions regarding knowledge of prominent items in domestic news in a survey of residents of the four countries among college graduates (ending ".c"), some college (".sc") and high school (".hs"). Source: McChesney and Nichols (2010, chapter 1, chart 8).
InternationalKnowledge.hs, InternationalKnowledge.sc, InternationalKnowledge.c
percent correct answers to calibrated questions regarding knowledge of prominent items in international news in a survey of residents of the four countries by education level as for DomesticKnowledge. Source: McChesney and Nichols (2010, chapter 1, chart 7).
PoliticalKnowledge.hs, PoliticalKnowledge.sc, PoliticalKnowledge.c
average of domestic and international knowledge
Per capital spending on public media in 2007 in US dollars from McChesney and Nichols (2010, chapter 4, chart 1)
Spending on public media relative to the US, being PublicMediaPerCapita / PublicMediaPerCapita[4].