A data frame with 104 observations on the following 31 variables.
- HouseNum
Unique house number
- Acre
Lot size for the house (in acres)
- AcreGroup
Lot size groups (<= 1/4 acre or > 1/4 acre)
- Adj1998
Estimated 1998 price (in thousands of 2014 dollars)
- Adj2007
Estimated 2007 price (in thousands of 2014 dollars)
- Adj2011
Estimated 2011 price (in thousands of 2014 dollars)
- BedGroup
Bedroom groups (1-2 beds, 3 beds, or 4+ beds)
- Bedrooms
Number of bedrooms
- BikeScore
Bike friendliness (0-100 score, higher scores are better)
- Diff2014
Difference in price between 2014 estimate and adjusted 1998 estimate (in thousands of dollars)
- Distance
Distance (in feet) to the nearest entry point to the rail trail network
- DistGroup
Distance groups, compared to 1/2 mile (Closer or Farther Away)
- GarageSpaces
Number of garage spaces (0-4)
- GarageGroup
Any garage spaces? (no or yes)
- Latitude
Latitude (for mapping)
- Longitude
Longitude (for mapping)
- NumFullBaths
Number of full baths (includes shower or bathtub)
- NumHalfBaths
Number of half baths (no shower or bathtub)
- NumRooms
Number of rooms
- PctChange
Percentage change from adjusted 1998 price to 2014 (value of zero means no change)
- Price1998
Zillow 10 year estimate from 2008 (in thousands of dollars)
- Price2007
Zillow price estimate from 2007 (in thousands of dollars)
- Price2011
Zillow price estimate from 2011 (in thousands of dollars)
- Price2014
Zillow price estimate from 2014 (in thousands of dollars)
- SFGroup
SquareFeet group (<= 1500 sf or > 1500 sf)
- SquareFeet
Square footage of interior finished space (in thousands of sf)
- StreetName
Street name
- StreetNum
House number on street
- WalkScore
Walk friendliness (0-100 score, higher scores are better)
- Zip
Location (1060 = Northampton or 1062 = Florence)