A data frame with 3402 observations on the following 25 variables.
- BatterNumber
Number of batters faced so far that game
- Outcome
One of 14 possible results for a pitch (e.g. Ball, Ball In Dirt, Called Strike, ..., Swinging Strike (Blocked))
- Class
One of three classifications (B=ball, S=strike, or X=in play)
- Result
From pitcher's perspective (Neg=ball or hit, Pos=strike or out)
- Swing
Did the batter swing at the pitch? (No or Yes)
- Time
Date and time of the pitch (format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
- StartSpeed
Speed leaving the pitcher's hand (in mph)
- EndSpeed
Speed crossing home plate (in mph)
- HDev
Horizontal movement (inches)
- VDev
Vertical movement (inches)
- HPos
Horizontal position at home plate (inches from center, positive is catcher's right)
- VPos
Vertical position at home plate (inches above the ground)
- PitchType
Code for pitch type (CH=changeup, CU=curve, FF=fastball, or SL=slider)
- Zone
1-9 in theoretical strike zone (upper left to lower right), 11-14 are out of strike zone
- Nasty
A measure on a 0-100 scale of difficulty of the pitch to hit (100 is most difficult)
- Count
Ball strike count (0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, or 3-2)
- BallCount
Number of balls before the pitch (0, 1, 2, or 3)
- StrikeCount
Number of strikes before the pitch (0, 1, or 2)
- Inning
Inning of the game
- InningSide
Portion of the inning (bottom= pitcher at home or top=pitcher away)
- Outs
Number of outs when the pitch is thrown
- BatterHand
Batter's stance (L=left or R=right)
- ABEvent
Result of the at bat (several possibilities)
- Batter
Name of the batter faced