A data frame with 732 observations on the following 16 variables.
- Date
Coded value for date of sale (Jan 1, 2005=16436)
- Address
Street address of the house
- Bedrooms
Number of bedrooms
- Baths
Number of bathrooms
- SquareFeet
The square footage of the home's living space
- LotSize
Lot size (in acres)
- YearBuilt
Year the house was built; many pre-1900 homes are listed as 1900
- YearSold
The year the house was sold, for this case
- MonthSold
The month the house was sold (1=Jan, 2=Feb, to 12=Dec)
- DaySold
Day of the month the house was sold (1 to 31)
- CostPerSqFt
SalePrice / SquareFeet (round to nearest penny)
- OrigPrice
List price of the house when originally put on the market (dollars)
- ListPrice
List price at the time of sale (dollars)
- SalePrice
Sale price of the house (dollars)
(Sale_Price / List_Price ) * 100