Snow.deaths: A data frame with 578 observations on the following 3 variables, giving the address of a person who died from cholera. When many points are associated with a single street address, they are "stacked" in a line away from the street so that they are more easily visualized. This is how they are displayed on John Snow's original map. The dates of the deaths are not individually recorded in this data set.
Sequential case number, in some arbitrary, randomized order
x coordinate
y coordinate
Snow.pumps: A data frame with 13 observations on the following 4 variables, giving the locations of water pumps within the boundaries of the map.
pump number
pump label: Briddle St Broad St ... Warwick
x coordinate
y coordinate
Snow.streets: A data frame with 1241 observations on the following 4 variables, giving coordinates used to draw the 528 street segment lines within the boundaries of the map. The map is created by drawing lines connecting the n points in each street segment.
street segment number: 1:528
number of points in this street line segment
x coordinate
y coordinate
Snow.polygons: A list of 13 data frames, giving the vertices of Thiessen (Voronoi) polygons containing each pump. Their boundaries define the area that is closest to each pump relative to all other pumps. They are mathematically defined by the perpendicular bisectors of the lines between all pumps. Each data frame contains:
x coordinate
y coordinate
Snow.deaths2: An alternative version of Snow.deaths correcting some possible duplicate and missing cases, as described in vignette("Snow_deaths-duplicates").
Snow.dates: A data frame of 44 observations and 3 variables from Table 1 of Snow (1855), giving the number of fatal attacks and number of deaths by date from Aug. 19 – Sept. 30, 1854. There are a total of 616 deaths represented in both columns attacks and deaths; of these, the date of the attack is unknown for 45 cases.
The scale of the source map is approx. 1:2000. The (x, y) coordinate units are 100 meters, with an arbitrary origin.
Of the data in the Snow.dates table, Snow says, “The deaths in the above table are compiled from the sources mentioned above in describing the map; but some deaths which were omitted from the map on account of the number of the house not being known, are included in the table.”
One limitation of these data sets is the lack of exact street addresses. Another is the lack of any data that would serve as a population denominator to allow for a comparison of mortality rates in the Broad Street pump area as opposed to others. See Koch (2000), Koch (2004), Koch \& Denike (2009) and Tufte (1999), p. 27-37, for further discussion.