A data frame with 15 observations on the following 4 variables.
pair number, a numeric vector
pot, a factor with levels 1 2 3 4
height of cross fertilized plant, a numeric vector
height of self fertilized plant, a numeric vector
cross - self for each pair
In addition to the standard paired t-test, several types of non-parametric tests can be contemplated:
(a) Permutation test, where the values of, say self are permuted and diff=cross - self is calculated for each permutation. There are 15! permutations, but a reasonably large number of random permutations would suffice. But this doesn't take the paired samples into account.
(b) Permutation test based on assigning each abs(diff) a + or - sign, and calculating the mean(diff). There are 2^{15} such possible values. This is essentially what Fisher proposed. The p-value for the test is the proportion of absolute mean differences under such randomization which exceed the observed mean difference.
(c) Wilcoxon signed rank test: tests the hypothesis that the median signed rank of the diff is zero, or that the distribution of diff is symmetric about 0, vs. a location shifted alternative.